The Project Consortium is composed of 6 Partners; from Tertiary Level the Munster Technological University in Ireland, a multi-campus university with expertise in the field of Technological Innovation, and the UC LIMBURG and LUVEN university in Belgium, specialized in development and research projects, a Centerfor Research and Education named SYNTHESIS from Cyprus, a non profit Association of twelve Italian Universities, several Enterprises and Public Authorities named TIBER UMBRIA COMETT EDUCATION PROGRAMME(TUCEP) from Italy, the Greek Municipality of Larissa, named DIMOS LARISEON, with a rich experience in the field of social policy by creating the “Larissa – Learning City” action based on the humanitarian principles of Lifelong Learning and becoming the first Greek city member of the UNESCO “Learning Cities” Network as well as a Non-Profit Panhellenic Scientific Association of Innovation (OPEN UP) very much focused on serving people excluded for different reasons (economic, social, political) and on development of good practices ready to be applied in local, national and international level.
Click on the partners below to find out more detailed information about each one.