TUCEP – Tiber Umbria Comett Education Programme is a non-profit association bringing together 12 Italian universities and numerous enterprises as well as public bodies. TUCEP was created in 1992 within the framework of the European Union’s COMETT Programme. TUCEP’s mission is to foster and develop cooperation between universities and the world of work through the implementation of research and training projects aimed at promoting innovation and quality in education and training, fostering social inclusion, entrepreneurship and European values at regional, national, and European levels.
TUCEP’s main activities are the organisation and management of training courses at national and European level for young people and adults, including trainers, teachers, and school students. TUCEP has participated in more than 100 European projects in the framework of the TEMPUS Programme, Horizon2020, LLP Programme, COSME, ERASMUS+ (KA1 Higher Education Mobility, KA2 Alliance of Knowledge, KA2 Strategic Partnership for School Education, KA2 Strategic Partnership for Youth, KA2 Strategic Partnership for Adult Education, KA2 Strategic Partnership for Vocational Education and Training, KA3 Inclusion Policy) EU for CITIZENS, JUSTICE.
Italian Universities
European Projects
Non-University Members